We analyze the consequences of a teenage pregnancy event in the short and long run in Mexico. Using longitudinal and cross-section data, we match females who became pregnant and those who did not based on a propensity score. In the short run, we find that a teenage pregnancy causes a decrease of 0.6-0.8 years of schooling, lower school attendance, fewer hours of work and a higher marriage rate. In the long run, we find that a teenage pregnancy results in a 1-1.2-year loss in years of…
ContinueAdded by Román Culebro Martínez on October 4, 2019 at 11:05am — No Comments
Macroeconomic populism is an approach to economics that emphasizes growth and income distribution and deemphasizes the risks of inflation and deficit finance, external constraints and the reaction of economic agents to aggressive non-market policies.
The purpose of our paper is to show that policy experiences in different countries and periods share conunon features,from the initial conditions, the motivation for policies, the argument that the country's conditions are different, to the…
Added by Román Culebro Martínez on June 8, 2018 at 7:06pm — No Comments
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Added by Román Culebro Martínez on March 14, 2018 at 9:43am — No Comments
This paper estimates the effect of an unprecedented increase of drug-related violence in Mexico on the educational attainment, cognitive ability, time allocation, and employment behavior of young adults between the ages of 14 and 17.
The panel nature and the timing of the second (2005) and third wave (2009) of the Mexican Family Life Survey allows for some unique gains in the conflict literature, as we are able to compare pre and post violence outcomes, assess migratory behavioral…
Added by Román Culebro Martínez on June 20, 2017 at 1:09pm — No Comments
Added by Román Culebro Martínez on May 31, 2017 at 7:00pm — No Comments
Este primero de junio terminan las campañas electorales para renovar las alcaldías en los 212 municipios del estado de Veracruz.
Durante un mes estuvimos expuestos a spots, mítines, recorridos por colonias y propaganda de los diferentes candidatos que nos prometieron resolver los problemas sociales y económicos que sufre el municipio.
"Prometer no empobrece",…
ContinueAdded by Román Culebro Martínez on May 29, 2017 at 7:33pm — No Comments
When economists comment on holiday gift-giving, it is usually to condone the healthy effect of spending on the macroeconomy. However, an important feature of gift-giving is that consumption choices are made by someone other than the final consumer. A pontentially important microeconomic aspect of gift-giving is that gifts may be mismatched with the recipients´ preferences. This paper gives estimates of the deadweight loss of holiday gift-giving based on surveys given to Yale undergraduates.…
ContinueAdded by Román Culebro Martínez on December 22, 2016 at 4:31pm — No Comments
This paper presents analysis on the determinants of past Olympic Games performance and uses this to produce some benchmarks against which performance at the 2016 Olympics Games can be judged. This updates similar analysis we produced around the time of the 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games. The following factors were found to be statistically significant in explaining the number of medals won by each country at…
ContinueAdded by Román Culebro Martínez on August 5, 2016 at 3:06pm — No Comments
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Added by Román Culebro Martínez on July 27, 2016 at 6:50pm — No Comments
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Added by Román Culebro Martínez on July 27, 2016 at 5:59pm — No Comments
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Added by Román Culebro Martínez on February 19, 2016 at 11:13pm — No Comments
"Our goal is to apply economic reasoning to understand the Church’s choices on numbers and characteristics of saints, gauged by location and socioeconomic attributes of the persons designated as blessed. (...) In the present study, we analyze determinants of rates of canonization and beatification and how these rates varied by pope, including an impact from the cumulated stock of beatifieds who have not yet been canonized. We plan to investigate how the probability of being chosen depends on…
ContinueAdded by Román Culebro Martínez on February 9, 2016 at 7:00pm — No Comments
El pasado sábado 11 de julio Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán, líder del Cártel de Sinaloa, escapó por segunda vez de un penal de alta seguridad en el que se encontraba recluido desde febrero del año pasado.
La fuga del capo mexicano más poderoso abre nuevamente el debate acerca de la eficiencia de la estrategia que sigue el gobierno de México –desde hace varios años-…
ContinueAdded by Román Culebro Martínez on July 20, 2015 at 5:39pm — No Comments
Nos encontramos ya en la recta final de este proceso electoral que empezó el 5 de abril y desde entonces hemos estado expuestos a una serie de spots y de propaganda de cada uno de los partidos y candidatos en los que cada uno de ellos promete soluciones a diferentes problemas sociales y económicos como el desempleo, la pobreza o el crimen.
En un sistema democrático es…
ContinueAdded by Román Culebro Martínez on June 3, 2015 at 10:30pm — No Comments
Recientemente ha iniciado el proceso electoral 2015 en el que se elegirán, entre otras autoridades, nueve gubernaturas y quinientos diputados federales. Los comicios se…
ContinueAdded by Román Culebro Martínez on May 7, 2015 at 9:22pm — No Comments
Added by Vito Richard Ramundo (RICK) on May 10, 2014 at 8:11am — No Comments
The present paper examines the reservation wages reported by a large sample of unemployed individuals in the United States in May 1976. The majority of unemployed individuals report reservation wages´ that are at least as high as the wage they paid on their last job. Approximately one-fourth of all job seekers required a wage that is at least 10 percent higher than the wage on their previous job. Our econometric evidence shows that level of unemployment benefits relative to previous wages…
ContinueAdded by Román Culebro Martínez on March 19, 2014 at 7:25pm — No Comments
Para accesar al documento dale click aquí: --> coatza2013PBC_152005.pdf
Added by Román Culebro Martínez on July 3, 2013 at 7:10pm — No Comments
Para accesar al documento darle clic aquí --> veracruzPBC_151394.pdf
Added by Román Culebro Martínez on June 29, 2013 at 12:14pm — No Comments
Es bueno no olvidar este importante concepto de los economistas para este 14 de febrero...
Opportunity Cost of Love.
For economists, the opportunity cost is the value of an alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action. Put another way, the benefits you could have received by taking an alternative…
ContinueAdded by Román Culebro Martínez on February 13, 2013 at 6:44pm — No Comments
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